Advertising and advertising methods are a must know topic for each and every businessman. All the sales of a business is depend on the quality of advertising methods that they use. If you can implement some adverting methods to attract more visitors, then you will get higher sales than your competitor. The conversion rate in other words the amount of the people who purchase items out of the number of visitors who comes through your ads is depend on the quality of the ads and the marketing ability of your company though highly effective advertising methods.
Today we are here to discuss a bit about the advertising methods you can use to promote your business. Actually there are different advertising methods. But with the development of internet technology we can devide those advertising methods broadly in to two categories. They are;
1. Online Advertising Methods
2. Offline Advertising methods
Most of the online advertising methods is a part of ongoing link building. And most of the advertising methods to promote a blog or a website also will apply to the online businesses as well. Every time when I had a chance I wrote them to this blog. You can find them under the category of Web Traffic Building. So in this post I am going to show you few great advertising methods. Before that we need to know some basics of offline advertising methods;
What is Advertising:
I don’t think I want to drag this further with unnecessary details since almost all know what it meant. Advertising is a method that use to promote a product to their potential customers. There may be some complex definitions for this, but this is more than enough to learn on advertising.
What is Offline advertising:
Offline advertising is a method that is used by the product or service providers to promote their products or services without using internet or internet based methods such as email marketing, social networking, etc. Simply offline advertising methods are implemented without using a internet.
What are the offline advertising methods
There are hundreds of advertising methods which can be used effectively on offline. Most of those advertising methods are innovative new methods.
Well, here is the big 20 ways of offline advertising methods, here we go;
#1. Distribution of hand bills
Hand bills/small leaflets are a good media for distribution of your company/website name. It is cost effective as well. After printing some leaflets you can distribute them among your friends, family members and collage students. This is a good advertising method to notify the people about your business.
#2. Posters and banners
You can print some posters and put them on walls. But don’t stick posters on walls where it is prohibited to stick posters, you will end up in jail
Or else you can print some banners and place it in a place where most of the people hanging near by. As examples in at a bus stop, railway station, private institutions, clubs and etc.
Every person is reading books regardless of their age or sex. If you can print few bookmarks and distribute it among the people, your website will be notice to people again and again at every time they are reading books.
#4. Use animals to advertise
One of the advertising methods I hate a lot. It is not a good idea even though I mentioned it as an advertising method. That is because harming those innocent animals can’t be considered as a good practice.
Look at the above picture to check how animals are used to take as models for your business.
#5. Printing your brand name on Mugs
This is one of the very popular advertising methods. I also using a mug which is printed by Unileavers, a multinational company. Every time I take that mug in to my hands I notice the brand name of the company. This is one of the very effective offline advertising methods. But it is bit expensive to do.
#6. Add your products/service to collage news papers
Someone will ask why specially for collage news papers. That is because almost all the collage students will go online at least once in two days. So it is easy to get visitors to your website by advertising on collage newspapers. One of my friend in C Halkidiki, Greece has did this trick and got hundreds of sales for his site.
#7. Send Post cards
This is an easy and less expensive advertising method for every businessman. It only cost a few dollars to send a bulk of post cards to the people. Then the word spread among the people and they will look in to your products.
#8. Put leaflets inside popular newspapers
Another popular offline advertising method for new businessman. Cheap and easy way to spread the brand name of your company. What you want to do is just be friendlier with the sales person of a newspaper shop and add your leaflet inside all the papers. It is one of the simplest advertising methods too.
#9. Use Business cards with contact information
Every time you got a chance, use your business card to provide contact details. On the back side of your business card print your product details briefly. One of the most commonest advertising method out of all methods.
#10. Send Few leaflets or testing products with flyers
Providing some testing products to flyers who are visiting regularly will hep you to promote your products internationally. If you have some good network in community, it is not that difficult to use this advertising method.
#11. Print on T-Shirts
Again one of the commonest out of all advertising methods. Print a T-shirt which displays your product or brand name and distribute it as a gift.
#12. Use business journals to promote your products
Business journals are very popular among the business crowd. It helps your to spread your company name.
#13. Add on newspaper classified
Newspaper classifieds are getting more and more popular. If you want to sell a product newspaper classified is one of the best place to advertise it.
#14. Stick as a sticker on your car
Make a sticker of your brand name and stick it on your car, distribute it among your friend who are having a vehicle. Then thousands eyeball will looks at your car once it going on a street. They will surely read the content of your sticker.
#15. Print your website address on your luggage or your travelling bag
I think I don’t want to discuss this. This is similar as the sticker on your car. More exposure will helps to get more sales.
#16. Place product details on common notice boards
Notice boards are one of the highest exposed places. Almost hundreds of eyeballs read the content of a notice board. So try it up.
#17. Use automated mobile messages
This method cost you a lot. But most people will notice your message. Some neglect it as a spam.
#18. Advertise on radio and television
Use some popular film actress to promote your stuff. Ask her to say that she also using that product. Then your product sales will go up as a rocket. That is because people like to imitate popular characters and they would like to say “that actress is also using this product” to the others. This is a very effective method of offline advertising methods, but it is highly expensive.
#19. Hire vehicles to print your ads
If you have millions of money, then you can do this advertising method. This is very effective since every time vehicle travels your ad will be noticed by the community. But this advertising method can be considered as a highly expensive out of the all advertising methods.
#20. Use digital boards and lights to advertise
Another common way of offline advertising. I have seen a lot of companies are advertising on digital screens. But it is bit expensive and initial cost is high.
But the boards with lights is not high as digital boards, but there are advertising methods with neon lights which may be bit expensive for a new businessman.
I wrote this post for the people those who asked me what are the offline advertising methods? How to implement offline adverting methods? Is offline advertising methods are effective?. I thinks the above article has helped the people those who had quarries on offline adverting methods.
All the above advertising methods can be used to promote a website too. And also anyone can use these advertising methods to promote any business offline. But need to mention that advertising methods are changing over the time. The best advertising methods of yesterday may not be the best advertising methods of today. So it is required to change the advertising strategy according to the changing of best adverting methods. New innovative advertising methods always will win the race.
If you have any different offline advertising methods, please feel free to share them with us as a comment below. We always respect your ideas on offline advertising methods.
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