If your blog is attracting global traffic and managing online reputation with foreign languages, the readers are going to become a key part of your strategy. You want to be sure the message they are sharing about you is a positive one, no matter what language it’s in.
Managing Online Reputation Begins with Being Alert
You can’t manage what has said if you don’t know what it is. Use similar strategies to stay informed of what’s being written about you in foreign languages as you do for English-language discussions. This will almost certainly include setting Google or Yahoo! Alerts so that you receive emails when your specified search terms are mentioned in online content. When keeping tabs on foreign language discussion of your blog or hot topics, consider whether you need to translate search terms before entering them into the alert services.
Be Proactive about Managing Online Reputation
You will forever be playing catch-up if you only worry about your reputation with overseas readers when you come across negative feedback. If you promote a positive reputation the occasional piece of bad press won’t do you nearly as much damage. Begin by translating key content so that your non-English speaking readers are not relying on others to tell them what you are saying. Consider also interacting on social networks popular in other countries.
Managing OnlineReputation is an Interactive Process
If you areinteracting with English-speaking readers via your blog, be sure not to neglectyour foreign readers. Take every opportunity to acknowledge and respond tooverseas visitors and reply politely in the reader’s own language, if possible,to negative feedback. Not only will your efforts to communicate in non-Englishlanguages be appreciated but it also helps you to stay in control of yourmessage when managing online reputation with speakers of other languages.
Blogging is an effective way to spread your ideas, to build up an online reputation. SEO helps you get visible to your target, but when you start reaching international audiences, your blogging strategy, both content and optimization, needs some changes.
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