Thursday, June 21, 2012

How to Use Hashtags With Twitter

Hashtags are a tool that you can use in Twitter to track twits, tweets, and anything 'twitable'. According to a Twitter wiki, "Hashtags are a community-driven convention for adding additional context and metadata to your tweets. They're like tags on Flickr, only added inline to your post. You create a hashtag simply by prefixing a word with a hash symbol: #hashtag."[1] They were developed as a means of creating groupings within Twitter.


1...In order to track hashtags more effectively, follow @hashtags. This allows them to be tracked more productively.
  • Hashtags is part of
  • They can also be tracked without following someone at
 2...Start using hashtags in your tweets, preceding key words. The hashtags should have meaning to you.
  • It can be helpful to do a little research first, to find out if the subject you're tweeting already has an established hashtag.
  • Also, check Suggestions and Tips and Example Uses below for etiquette and general usage.
3...Finally, track other tweets on the subjects you're interested in (ie: those containing the appropriate hashtags) by browsing/searching at or TwitterGroups. You can set it up with RSS feeds as well.
4...Learn about the stats resulting from tagging. You can do this with:
  • Organize and display them through an RSS feed, making them available to everyone, including non-tweeters.
  • Use the developing Twitter search engine.
  • Tags have their own webpage through For example #followfriday
5...Know that you don't have to hashtag everything. Hashtag etiquette is still evolving, so let good social manners be your guide. It is a rare "tweet" that deserves a hashtag, so tag only those updates that you feel will add significant value to the conversation. One hashtag is best — two are permissable — but three hashtags seem to be the absolute maximum, and risk raising the ire of the community. Tag sparingly, and with careful discretion.


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