Link building is a popular strategy among all the bloggers. It is a key strategy to index a blog in search engines. It is a ongoing process and it will never ends. It will ends only when you stop blogging any more. So once I discussed about my link building strategy to bring up my search engine rank.
Depending on the strength of back links and anchor texts, search engines decide the place for your blog. Google is the biggest search engine on web. It decide where your blog should be appeared on their result page. But links are not the sole factor that determine the place of your blog on search engines. So link building is not the sole way to promote your blog. As always I am saying “Content is the King”. Without high quality content, no point of running a link building campaign to a blog/website. To maintain the quality of content we also made some changes to guest posing rules. We discussed why we change those rules on our previous post.
Oh… it seems we are deviating our main topic. Let’s get back in to the track. Yes… most people are lazy even though they are signing up with blogging. And some have only limited time to allocate for blogging. But they love blogging and they expect to earn tons of money by blogging. As I mentioned earlier link building is one of the key strategy to get higher number of search traffic. But how those people make links even they don’t have time to make an article for their blogs? What to do that is bad luck know? No, they have alternative methods link building. One of most effective and easy method of link building is out sourcing of your link building campaign to a third party. They will do the rest for you. But be careful not to get caught in to some link spammers.
Who are link spammers?
Link spammers are the companies or individual people who send thousands of links to different website including non related websites. For the easiness of your link building strategy, you will uses third party company which will carryout your link building campaign for you. But for their easiness, they will use automated programs to build links for you. That is the simple explanation.
What will happen when they spam?
You may think once they send to thousands of websites, I’ll get thousands of back links for my blog. Yes, in one hand it is correct until those automated programs hit on a bad place. Bad place means, when they spam search engines, especially Google with your link, what Google do is banning of your website. Google don’t want to know whether you have done this or any other person has done this behalf of you. They will ban your blog address without any query.
Be careful, these spam link building experts are every where. So watch closely before you give your order for your link building campaign.
Can you Climb up on SERP with link building spammers?
SERP means Search engine result page. Your idea is to climb into the first page of SERP. Once Google ban your domain, will you be able to climb on to the #1 page of SERP? No, Never. Even you will not be able to index your blog in Google any more. So how can you climb on Google.
What to consider before you out source you link building strategy?
This is the most important part of this post. Almost all are like to earn money by blogging without doing any hard work. But I am totally differ from those people. I like to work and earn. The people who are looking to earn without working hard will not earn any most of the time. But still few people manages to earn without working hard. So they are the people who out source their link building campaign to any third party.
Following are few facts you must consider before out source your link building campaign to a third party. All your blog success is depend on their hands.
#1. How long they are performing at the market
You are going to spend your hard earn money for your link building strategy. So you must know what company you are going to hire and why you are going to hire that company? And how long this company is performing and what are the results of their link building strategy. Also you should know why don’t you select any other company rather than selecting this particular company for your link building campaign. It is very important to say, don’t rely on those self made testimonials. Most of them are absolutely wrong.
#2. Are they use manual methods to build links or automated methods
This is one of the most important point to know. The manually built natural looking links are more search engine friendly than the automated, unnatural links. Those manually build natural looking links works better for SEO and it helps to climb your blog up on search engines. Other important point is some automated programs are considered as spam methods. So ask specifically whether they are using manual or automated method to build your links.
#3. Make a small research for cost of your link building campaign
There are hundreds of SEO companies on web. Their charges are way differ from each other. Sometimes this may be due to the country they are running for. Anyway you must compare those pricing packages before ordering your link building campaign. High price is not necessarily means high quality backlinks.
#4. Don’t go behind brand name
Now a days people go behind brand names all the time. But that big giant may not be the best in market. So always read reviews before you buy a package. Some cheaper companies do better job than those branded companies. Most of the time those branded companies out source their orders in to small firms. They may not perform well for you.
#5. Try out a sample link building package to analyse the quality of the links
It is better to try out a sample package before you jumped it to the well. High quality links in a sample package will not recommend you a high quality links in your link building campaign. But you can still get some idea on their program’s quality before you out source your link building campaign.
#6. Learn how to measure the quality of a link
It is better you know how to measure the quality of a back link before you buy the package from that SEO company. Learn how to do it. Otherwise they will cheat you with low quality backlinks.
#7. Contact an agent by phone call rather than using a chat
This is another must point. You need to discuss with an agent before paying for the link building package. That will build the trust. And also you can explain your specific requirement to the agent who is going to do the job for you.
Those are very important factors you should know before you hire a SEO company to build links for your blog/website. It will save your money and provide you high quality links. But I want to stress you one important thing. Google always love natural links.
You may ask what SEO company I am using to build my back links. Trust me, I am not using any SEO company to build backlinks for me. That is because I don’t want to spam the web. I am making my back links manually. It is time consuming, but it gave me good results so far. If you could remember, once I discussed my ongoing link building strategy for the benefit of yours.
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