Saturday, September 8, 2012

How to Create Labels Using Coreldraw X3

Some friends have asked me how to create  labels using Coreldraw X3. The very simple procedure intended for new Coreldraw users is illustrated below. 

1. Open the program
2. Set the label’s dimension on the menu bar. (See figure a.)
3. Click the text tool on the left. (Figure b.)
4. Type your text and drag its position on the label (Figure c.).
5. Click your text and see the font list on the upper menu bar and select your font style (Figure d.).
6. Edit the color of the text on the color palette located at the right side (Figure e.)
7. Using the rectangle tool and other tools located on the left side, you can add designs on your layout. (Figure f.)

Note: The slide tutorial on how I've created a blog header using Coreldraw is here

Create Labels using Coreldraw X3

How To Use Coreldraw X3 beginners

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